Main Shop
Digital Workshop
Digital Studio
首 頁
數 碼影室
(Mon - Fri)
09:30a.m. - 18:30pm
09:30a.m. - 13:30pm
  (Sun & Holiday)

Location Map
Main Shop & Office  : 97-97A, 1/F, Hunghom Square, 37-39 Matauwai Rd., Hunghom, Kln, HK SAR (Tel:  23659900); Fax: 27662200)
Digital Workshop      : G62, Hunghom Square, 37-39 Matauwai Rd., Hunghom, Kln, HK SAR (Tel.: 27662244)
Digital Studio           : A1-08, 5/F., Phase I, Hangfung Ind. Bldg, 2G, Hokyuen St., Hunghom, Kln, H K  (Effective since Jan28, 2006)
Mail to us

Company Profile 公司簡 介
Scope of Business 業務範圍
Trading/OEM/ODM  商貿/代工
Premium 廣告禮品
Trophy/Silver Plate/Crystal 獎座
Digital Input/Output 數碼輸入/
Digital Photography 數碼攝影
Decoration 裝飾佈置
Image Bank  圖庫
Customer Support 顧客支援
Terms & Conditions 交 易條款
Legal Notice 法律公告
Code of Proactive 營運守則
Price List 價 目 表

重 要聲明
(last updated on August 10, 2005)
  • 1. The order placed with Uncle Ming's Gallery must be lawful and comply with all the relevant ordinances,  including but not limited to: copyright ordinance, privacy ordinance, publication ordinance, etc. The customer must be liable to all the legal responsibilities for the production of goods and/or services as specified by him/her. The customer may be required to complete an authorization letter with signature or we reserve the right to terminate the order unilaterally.  In the case when copyrighted material of third party is involved, copy of document for the authentification of authorization should be provided for our record. Oral undertaking is not accepted.  顧客來樣訂購一切之服務及/或貨品, 皆需合法, 自負刑責, 並須要簽署授權書. 如涉第三者版權物品, 需影印授權文件之副本為證及存檔備查.
  • 2. The goods or services is provided as is. The customer must be clear about the specification of the goods or standard of  services he/she wants before confirming the order.  The customer must check the genuineness or specifications of goods upon the collection and undersign on the invoice for verification of acceptance. No refund for non-defective goods.  顧客惠顧, 先確定規格及標準, 收貨時當面驗明正貨或規格, 簽收作實, 如非次貨,不設退換.
  • 3. The customer must tender the invoice to our staff upon the collection of goods or reception of services. In the case of losing invoice, formal letter  from the organization or document from an recognized authority, such as police memo, to certify the loss must be presented to us for validation purpose.  The invoice will be expired after 3 months since the date of issuance. 顧客取貨時必須出示訂貨憑單, 如遺失訂貨憑單,需正式機構公函報失或以有關當局証明文件如報案紙代領. 訂貨憑單三月內有效, 逾期作廢.
  • 4. All the samples displayed in premises or on the web-site were made by us or our business partners under proper authorization. They are shown for the reference of technical specification only but not offered for sale. All the content, both visual and textual, including logo(s), brandname(s), company name(s) and/or all copyrighted content, if there is any, is/are belong to their owner(s). If there is any price captioned attached, it is intended for the reference of cost but not implies that the item is offered for sale without proper authorization. 一切於本公司或網上展示樣本, 皆為本公司或商業夥伴經合法授權生產, 只供規格參考用, 如含版權專利內容, 均屬其原擁有者, 如有標示價格者, 只作成本估計之用, 非作出售, 不得挪用.
  • 5. The sample(s) on loan, if there is any,  must be returned to Uncle Ming's Gallery on or before an pre-agreed upon day or the deposit will be forfeited as compensation for the loss. We also reserve the right to pursue all the loss accrued due to the loss of the sample. 如有借出樣本, 必需依時退回, 否則沒收按金, 本公司並保留追討其導致之損失之一切權利.
  • 6. All the sketching(s), image(s), photograph(s), artwork(s) and/or smaple(s) is/are the property of Unclel Ming's Gallery. Anyone and/or the  organization he/she represents will be liable to the responsibilities arising from the distribution of the whole or the part of them to the third party without the permission from Uncle Ming's Gallery. 明心齋提供圖稿或樣本皆為其財產, 任何人或其代表機構需承擔未經許可分發其全部或部份予發第三者之後果.
  • 7. We reserve the right to sue  any person who distorts or misinterprets the information we provide to the public and/or distributes false statement against our reputation. 任何人等如對本公司提供之資訊作出歪曲或失實之銓釋,又或作虛假聲明, 損害本公司之聲譽, 本公司保留一切民事及刑事追討索償之權利.
  • 8. To ensure the quality of our services, we have installed CCTV (AV)/Telephone monitoring & recording system  為確保一切交易履行準確無誤, 本公司已裝設閉路影音電視及電 話監錄系統.
  • 9. All the personal and commercial private information, including but not limited to softcopy, video or sound recording obtained in due course will be kept confidential and filed with care in accordance with our "Privacy Policy", which is available for reference at our company or on our web-site. It will be disclosed to the relevant authorities only when there is a dispute or a certain crime is suspected to occur. 所有來自合法商業活動而取得之個人或商業機密資料, 包括軟檔, 音像資料, 均依本公司之"私隱政策"妥善處理, 只限出現爭議, 或懷疑有罪惡發生時供司法或執法機關作調查之用。
Ref.: /Doc/legal/shop_ntoice

  1. Our web pages or e-catalogues are better viewed with I.E. 5, Netscape 4.7 or Firefox 1.x with plugins inlcuding  acrobat reader 5, quicktime 4 and flashpalyer or all their later versions.
  2. For viewing PDF catalogue, computer with 512MB on board and acrobat reader 7.x installed is prefereable. If  still you cannot view them within your browser, right click your mouse on the URL and choose "save link target as" for downloading the file to your harddisk.

Legal Notice
To ensure the quality of our services, we have installed CCTV (AV)/Telephone monitoring & recording system  All the recording will be treated strictly confidential in accordance to our privacy policy. Click HERE  for details.
為確保一切交易履行準確無誤, 本公司已裝設閉路電視(影音)/電話監錄系統, 所有音像紀錄按本供司私隱政策保密處理,詳情請由"" 登入
Copyright Notice
Privacy  Policy
Important Notice
Supplementary Notice
to Customers

Anti-virus and Anti-Spam


Copyright ©  2007 Uncle Ming's Gallery
All rights reserved